The beginning of the story.

My writing journey has been kind of ‘colourful’ for want of a better word. I started writing over twenty years ago and my first attempt at writing was actually a children’s book. After that I kind of dabbled in different subjects. I’ve written Romance, Young Adult, Fantasy, Erotica and Women’s fiction. I love reading just as much as I love writing and I find both are just as fulfilling as each other.

I discovered that my love for reading is equalled by my love for writing and I believe I could create a story out of anything if I had to. Knowing that you can create a whole story with characters that are yours to do with what you will is an exciting prospect. In fact, I can’t think of many things that are better. I love to just start a story not knowing where it will go.

The story so far

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to become a published author but it wasn’t meant to be. For the best part of ten years, I tried to get published over and over again to no avail. I think I must have developed a thick skin from all the rejections I received. Sometimes, I didn’t even get a response from the Agents. 

Being rejected was a hard pill to swallow. It made me question myself. It made me question my writing talent. It even made me question my desire to write anymore, but one evening, I read through my books and I realised that I loved writing, and that just because I had been rejected, it didn’t mean that I had to give up on my dream, so I decided to look for other ways to get my work out there.

I came across the Kindle Direct Publishing quite by accident. After doing a bit of research, I realised that it suited my purpose perfectly. I could publish what I wanted, when I wanted with no pressure from anyone else. And best of all, it was FREE! After publishing my first book, I never looked back.

I look forward to putting many more books out there and one day, I know that at least one of my books will hit it big resulting in a lucrative NETFLIX or film deal. YES!!!


My words of wisdom ;-)

Never let other people rain on your parade just because things aren’t going well in their own lives. Misery loves company. Not everyone has your back and even some friends and family members can be shadier than a tree.

Life is about taking a risk once in a while. Sometimes we’reafraid to step out of our comfort zone because we don’t know what lies aheadbut to make a change we have to do things differently. Who wants to be stuck ina boring rut? Sometimes what we’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set us free.

Sometimes it’s nice to shut the whole world out and have some ‘me’ time chilling out, stuffing your face and not have to worry about anything till Monday. Bliss!!

Life is what we make it. We all have our ups and downs and sometimes things can happen to make us feel like shit but it’s all about learning how to overcome the hurdles and swim with the waves instead of sinking in the quicksand.

Never let people become an anchor in your life weighing you down or holding you back. If a person doesn’t serve any purpose in your life delete, delete, delete. Not everyone who comes into your life is meant to stay there. Get rid!

It’s better to trust your intuition than bad advice.

Appreciate people while they are still around to enjoy it. Show people that you care about how much they mean to you so that when they’re gone you can treasure their memory and not feel guilty that you didn’t give them the attention they deserved when they were still alive.

These days a lot of us spend so much time Texting and What’s-sappingthat we forget what it’s like to pick up the phone and actually give someone a call. There’s only so much you can express in a text. Hearing that voice at theend of the line is priceless.

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